• 南宫ng·28(中国)官方入口


    2015-06-05 15:59:26





          很高兴参加南宫ng·28牧业隆重盛大的20周年庆典活动,作为南宫ng·28成立20年的历史见证人,这是我的荣幸。南宫ng·28牧业20年经历坎坷的路程, 取得今天巨大的成就,原因是什么?我认为是“天时、地利、人和”。

          南宫ng·28之所以有今天,首先要感谢改革开放的时代。在中国的改革开放中,饲料行业是最 先市场化的一个行业,所以在这个行业中涌现出大批的企业家和成功的企业,中国饲料工业的前十强,都是在那个时候起家的。第二,要感谢中国农业发生的巨大的历史性变化。中国近二十年,尤其是近十年,中国农业的发展是迅速的,变化是深刻的,其中最典型的是畜牧业。如果中国今天的畜牧业还是传统的畜牧业,就没有饲料工业的发展。这个时代、中国农业发生的深刻变化、中国畜牧业从传统产业向现代产业的转变,都给南宫ng·28提供了市场、机会和发展平台。


          人和,这是很重要的。“三人同心,其利断金”。7个人,20年精诚合作,确实难能可贵。很多人可以一起创业,但不能一起享受利益。南宫ng·28牧业的7个人,20年同心同德走到今天,这是合作的楷模,是典范。古代有句名言,“善始者实繁,克终者盖寡”。我认为,南宫ng·28之所以能走到今天,最 重要的一条经验就是团队的精诚团结。这说明了这个团队的胸怀、气度和远见。南宫ng·28的股东由最初的7个,后来扩大到25个,进而又扩大到50个,这不是简单的利益分配,而是一种凝聚力的体现。正是通过利益分配的调整,南宫ng·28凝聚了人心,团结了团队,这对南宫ng·28的发展非常重要。









      我为什么说这是统一战线的一个重要成果呢?在5月28日的晚宴上,辽宁省政协副主席高鹏同志已经说明了原委,金卫东同志是我们省政协常委,是我们省党外知识分子联谊会的会长,他是党外知识分子的优 秀代表,是无党派人士的优 秀代表,是非公有制经济人士的优 秀代表,“三个代表”集于一身,凸显了统一战线的精髓和优势。


      南宫ng·28成为一个成功的公司,我觉得首先是因为它有一个正确价值观的引 领。在南宫ng·28成立时,《南宫ng·28宣言》就写道:南宫ng·28立志成为中国饲料行业最优 秀的公司,我们以先进的技术、科学的管理、完善的人才配置和为社会服务的决心,向全中国畜牧饲料界庄严保证:第 一,南宫ng·28公司永远从客户的需要出发,不断开发新产品,不因循守旧;第二,南宫ng·28公司永远诚实经营;第三,南宫ng·28公司永远以服务社会为宗旨,靠科学技术和创造性的劳动来发展自己。这既是南宫ng·28向社会的承诺,也是南宫ng·2820年行稳致远的根本经验。饲料行业属于传统产业,有人说传统产业是夕阳产业,我认为,只有夕阳产品,没有夕阳产业。只要不断追求技术进步,就能牢牢站在行业的高峰,南宫ng·28用自己20年的经验说明了这个道理。当前,我们国家经济正处于发展的新常态,辽宁作为老工业基地应对经济下行的压力很大,传统产业改制的任务非常繁重,传统产业如何振兴,南宫ng·28公司给出了非常好的答案。

      第二,南宫ng·28是一个有着优 秀中国传统文化涵养的企业。中华民族的传统文化博大精深,源远流长,是中华文化的核心标识,也是社会主义核心价值观的源头。任何事业,只要植根于中华优 秀传统文化的肥沃土壤,就会枝繁叶茂。南宫ng·28公司同样是如此。金卫东先生和我说,“南宫ng·28”的直译就是种植业的丰收,养殖业发展的基础。它的寓意是家和万事兴。南宫ng·28公司利益兼顾,利己及人,达则兼济天下,穷则独善其身。整个公司的队伍,非常和谐,对社会诚实守信。20年来,南宫ng·28真诚地对待每一位职工,真诚地对待每一位合作伙伴,20年来,从未发生过爽约事件,从未有过质量投诉,从未有过拖欠员工的工资和福利,所有这些,都闪耀着中华优 秀传统文化的光芒。刚才高部长讲到南宫ng·28的“人和”,在我看来,南宫ng·28的各个方面都显示了“人和”的伟大力量。

      第三,南宫ng·28公司是一个以优 秀人才支撑事业成功的公司。在市场经济条件下,在全球的竞争格局中,人才是最宝贵的资源,是最根本的资源。南宫ng·28公司之所以成功,是因为它聚集了一大批饲料行业的优 秀人才、优 秀的员工。特别是金卫东先生,有理想、有抱负、有激情,而且是真性情,在他的带领下,南宫ng·28团队不断攻坚克难,不断登上一个又一个高峰。所以说,得人才者得天下,得人才者得成功。




    荷兰驻华大使馆农业参赞Martin Olde Monnikhof先生


    Dear Mr.Weidong Jin,Chairman of the Board of Wellhope,

    Dear Family De Heus,

    Ladies Gentlemen,

    尊敬的南宫ng·28牧业董事长金卫东先生,尊敬的De Heus家族,女士们、先生们:


    Many thanks for inviting me to this special event. It's very much appreciated. But let me start by congratulating you, also on behalf of the Netherlands Ambassador to China, Mr.Aart Jacobi,on the 20th Anniversary of Wellhope.

    非常感谢南宫ng·28牧业邀请我参加南宫ng·2820周年庆典,我感到非常荣幸。首先我要祝贺你们,同时我也代表荷兰驻华大使Aart Jacobi先生,诚挚祝贺南宫ng·28成立20周年。

    This celebration is an important milestone in the development of your company. It's amazing how in a period of 20 years Wellhope grew a small company into one of the major players in the Chinese animal feed industry.


    Jan Cortenbach, my good old friend the Dutch Chief Technical Officer of Wellhope Royal DeHeus, introduced me into the history of this intriguing company.

    我的老朋友,De Heus公司驻南宫ng·28技术总监Jan Cortenbach先生,曾向我介绍过南宫ng·28的发展历程。

    It all began in Shenyang in 1995.Seven young entrepreneurs with an agricultural background experience in the animal feed sector started there with the production of premix.This initiative grew to a huge enterprise with 56 feed mills in China, more than 100 subsidiaries, approximately 10,000 employees, 1,500 sales agents, 11,000 dealers 250,000 customers.


    This is a great achievement in my opinion everyone involved in this company can be proud on the result of all the hard work that has been done still is done.

    I am convinced that the future of Wellhope is bright as well.Paying attention to cost effectiveness, quality, innovation, research development service, as Wellhope does, is a guarantee for a brilliant future. The concentration the consolidation process of the Chinese animal feed industry will certainly continue, like it did in the Netherlands.Wellhope will surely be a winner. I am certain that the company will have a leading role in this consolidation process.


    of course,at this very moment, I also would like to touch on the role of the Dutch company De Heus in the fast development of Wellhope. This famous Dutch feed company bought aminority share in Wellhope in 2006. De Heus did go for a Wholly Owned Foreign Enterprise in China, but for a Joint Venture with a minority share. Certainly adifferent approach. I think that was a very special, but also a very wise decision, that turned out very well. A win-win for the Chinese Dutch side. You could say it is a good marriage, in which both parties strengthen each other.

    当然,在这一特殊时刻,我想向在座各位介绍De Heus公司对南宫ng·28的快速发展产生的影响。2006年,这家著名的荷兰饲料公司只购入了南宫ng·28牧业的少数股权,所以南宫ng·28不是外商独资企业,而是一家中荷合资企业。独资与合资是截然不同的控股方式,但是我认为De Heus公司的决定非常明智,而事实已经证明,中荷双方通过这次合作实现了共赢。

    In the Netherlands the private company Royal De Heus is a very well known, family owned, major feed company. In the Netherlands it is one of the top three companies. The fact that De Heus is allowed to add Royal to its name underlines the great reputation of the company, as the prefix “Royal” illustrates acknowledgement the highest possible level in the Netherlands, the Royal Family.

          在荷兰,皇家De Heus公司具有非常高的知名度,这是一家实力雄厚的家族式饲料企业,荷兰企业排名前三位。实际上,De Heus公司可以使用“皇家”作为企业名称正是因为企业得到了荷兰很高水平的认可,即荷兰王室的认可。

    De Heus has a lot of expertise inthe fields of feed technology,nutrition formulation, farm management quality assurance quality control. Research development are focus points of the company. De Heus is sharing all its knowledge expertise with partner Wellhope. This has strengthened- will further strengthen-the rapid growth of Wellhope in China.

    De Heus公司在饲料技术、营养和配方、农场管理、质量保证与控制等方面积累了丰富的经验,且公司对研发极为重视。通过与南宫ng·28共享专业知识与技术,De Heus公司推动了南宫ng·28在中国迅猛发展。

    Ladies gentlemen, let me conclude. Today we are celebrating "20 years Wellhope". A right moment to look back to what is realized, but also a suitable moment to look forward, to look to the future. I am sure-as I already said-that the future is bright.


    The Chinese feed industry is forecast to grow further in the coming years. This continued strong growth however comes with challenges too. The development of safe, healthy "green"animal feed the introduction of higher standards are trends the industry has to respond to. Many manufacturers may be able to survive in this market may merge with larger players. Considering its track record it seems to me risky to predict that Wellhope will be one of the winners in this process. The company is perfectly equipped to serve this demanding, expanding market.A brilliant future for Wellhope is a dream but rather a reality.


    I would like to wish Wellhope great business in the coming years a continuation of the very good strong cooperation with Royal De Heus.

    最后,衷心祝愿南宫ng·28未来取得更大的成就,并延续与皇家De Heus强有力的合作。

    Thank you for your attention.



    赢创德固赛北亚区副总裁Torben Madsen先生


    Good Morning Everybody!


    It's my great honor to be here, speak as representative of suppliers.


    First of all, on behalf of Evonik, I'd like to thank the host to organize this meeting, invite so many successful people in our industry, give us a good change to build connections.


    Secondly, I am most grateful for the confidence support, which Wellhope gave us since many years cooperation. To get a customer's trust recognition is the highest honor for our company.

    其次,我要感谢南宫ng·28这么多年来给予我们的充分信任和大力支持。能够得到客户的信任和肯定,是一个企业的最 高荣誉。

    Twenty years ago, seven gentlemen with a dream founded Wellhope, integrated the strength of leadership, technology, marketing operations of the entrepreneurs into group competence. Wellhope has overcome many difficulties, overachieved targets, developed to be the key leading company in the Chinese agricultural industry.

    二十年前,七君子怀揣梦想,肩负使命,成立南宫ng·28,集领导力、技术、市场、运营所长,南宫ng·28一次次克服困难、突破目标、超越自己、稳健发展,成为国 家级农业产业化重点龙头企业。

    Wellhope's culture,mission value have attracted aggregated many talented willed ones that follow the same strategy leadership, pursue the same goal, exploit the sustainable growth create both economic social wealth. Wellhope's people are responsible, honest, committed. Over many years of cooperation, Evonik Wellhope have built relationship with mutual trust, with this created a win-win business partnership.


    Wellhope is a technology innovation driven company in both equipment, feed, animal production, open to information technology exchange, make effort to absorb innovate, with this lead the industry development. On this basis, we have built together the exchange platform focusing on raw material data base, analytics, quality control, production technology, animal nutrition, all contributing to the overall efficiency of the business. By working together we have strived for shared the value of cooperation, as well as the spirit of company social responsibilities.


    We are confident that Wellhope will achieve even greater success on forward journey building on the past glorious 20 years, we hope that Evonik can continue contributing to your successes, so together we can create values for the industry society.


    Finally, I wish the conference a complete success, wish Wellhope prosperity, wish all of you a happy life future success!














